Ticketless Buses Zone 1?
No, it isn't; the worst that can result from my idea is the loss of a
*seat*, and a significant journey time gain can be made.
"Signicant" journey time gain by 1 or 2 people barging past as I wait for my
ticket to be printed?! If you say so....
I am merely suggesting that it is best to get everyone who wishes to
travel (assuming all can be accommodated) on the bus as quickly as
possible. Such things as who sits where can be dealt with afterwards,
once the bus is moving.
Oh, and I can expect the thug who pushed past me, getting the one remaining
window seat, to answer politely when I politely remonstrate: "Excuse me, sir,
but I was in the queue ahead of you, and am therefore etitled, I would humbly
suggest, to have the seat in which you are now reposed", and kindly give up his