have a look at
www.func-junc.co.uk. This is the solution to transport in
Well, I had a look at it, but didn't see anything about the problem of
getting trams up steep hills, which is what this thread was about.
Looks to me just like a load of standard issue pro car, anti railblurb
with a side serving of some cobblers called "roadionics" which is either
some sort of new gear for roadies or something to automatically guide
vehicles. No doubt the author thinks he's right on the cutting edge of
transport policy as opposed to actually being about 30 years behind the times.
Err, is this guy actually suggesting that we dig up every road junction in
London in an attempt to separate pedestrians, cycles and motor vehicles?
Apart from, well apart from lots of things, but doesn't he know that cyclists
are road users? Or that pedestrians don't like underpasses? Or that you will
have to cycle very slowly because of all the up and downs at junctions?
Or that it would bankrupt every local authority in the country? Or that
it would be impossible to maintain? Or that it would be horribly unpopular?
Or that he's just stark, raving, bonkers?
And, speaking as someone who used to do web design for a living,
his is, officially, ****e.
Matt Ashby