"Brendan" wrote in message
.. .
The is 83TS still at South Harrow sidings.
I think there are still one or two units at Uxbridge, but I haven't been
there for a while so this may now have changed. Best vantage point for the
South Harrow ones is the footbridge off South Hill Avenue (turn right out of
the station, take first right into South Hill Avenue, the footpath leading
to the bridge is on the right after about 300yds).
72Ts at Acton Works, Aldwych and MOD Shoeburyness.
At least one unit is still at Hainault
AFAIK. I don't think the Hainault one
is easily photographed (possibly, distantly, from passing trains), and
obviously the one at Aldwych is inaccessible.
Those at Acton Works can be photographed from a footpath which runs
alongside the sidings. Go to Park Place, Acton, and enter the one-time LT
Sports Ground. Adjacent to the entrance (I can't remember exactly where) you
turn left through a gate into a well-defined, but derelict, footpath. After
about 150m you end up alongside the security fence, and the 72ts is stabled
just to your left, and not too distant.
The Shoeburyness units are clearly visible from the nearby road (200yds
distant), and could easily be photographed. Bear in mind that this is MOD
property, so if you want to take photographs I would suggest you do it
quickly and don't hang around too long!
I think there's still a 72ts in London Road depot: best vantage point is
from Lambeth Road or St. Georges Road (near where the two meet).