Mait001 writes
[1] The Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000
There you are. No mention of all double-deck vehicles there - and a
link to the relevant regulations for you to inspect them yourself.
Your link does not go to The Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations
2000 in any event, it goes to a piece of amending secondary legislation, making
a few very minor amendments to the 2000 Regulations.
Indeed. But true to my word I apologise for the error and post the
correct link -
which was also referenced from the page that you first visited.
(There were indeed two sets of regulations on that year, and I read them
both to ensure what I said was correct - and merely saved the wrong
I agree that subject to correct certification, double-deckers will
not be banned from 2017.
Jolly good.
Nice turn of phrase: are you a diplomat or lawyer, Dave?
Does the truth hurt?
If it walks like a duck, etc...
I really have no idea what you are writing about, Dave.
Is English not your first language? If it isn't then I apologise for
making certain assumptions - if it is then you must be a bit dim. I
can't believe that a native English speaker will be unaware of that
Not really, since as I have already stated, your link was false.
False? That's *very* strong language which implies that I intended to
deceive. Are you prepared to back-up that statement? Or are you just
feeling hard-done by still and making accusations as some pathetic
half-arsed attempt at 'getting your own back'.
You have exposed your ignorance and stupidity
Mea culpa: but at least I have the grace to admit my error:
Only after bleating on about being crucified and other similar nonsense.
Wrong: I had ALREADY admitted my error before you continued with your "arsed"
comments etc.
No need to shout, there's a good chap. You've been bleating on and on
and on about this for quite a while now. If you hadn't carried on
whinging, then the thread would not have lasted this long. But there
you go, the longer you try to obfuscate the issue by acting like a
spoilt child - the longer this is going to continue. The sooner you
shut-up about it, the sooner people will forget your original foolish
I tend not to make the kind of stupid statement that you
"didn't" - I think you must mean "did".
If I make a mistake, I try to correct it as soon as possible and admit
it. However, I tend not to make the kind of stupid statement that you
didn't as I take the time to try and check facts wherever I can.
Again, sorry, I didn't realise I was having an audience with God.
Oh do remove your sanctimonious head from up your self-righteous arse.