Bus driver complaint and OYBike
"Nick Cooper" wrote in
message ...
Alternatively, who can I complain to about all the ****s on bikes who
think that red lights - particularly those at pedestrian crossing -
somehow don't count for them? Especially annoying are the ones who
think they're entitled to shout abuse at the pedestrians they have to
swerve round them because they're already half way across the road.
Funny, that, isn't it? Pedestrians having the temerity to cross a
road when the lights are in their favour, just because to
knobend-in-lycra is too impatient to obey the red and wait a few
A few months ago I saw what this can lead to. A lycra clad cyclist went
flying around the roundabout at Trafalgar Square at a good 30mph, and turned
down Whitehall going straight through the red light, and straight into a
woman crossing the road.