Yellow Arrows on Tube Ticket
CJG writes
If you were honest, you could have purchased your ticket from the
machine at your destination - but you decide not to do so and publicly
admit your guilt as well. How odd.
And L.U. could have provided enough resources at Harrow to be able to
sell tickets to everyone who needed one.
So if you had a trolley full of shopping at your local supermarket, but
not every single checkout was in operation - would you leave without
paying whilst taking all the goods and claim it was the supermarket's
fault? Or would that be considered theft?
*If* there was absolutely no opportunity for you to purchase a ticket at
your destination, then (and only then) would I say you had a point. If
you had an opportunity to purchase a ticket at your destination, but
chose not to do so simply because there wasn't someone there to *make*
you buy one - that makes you a thief.