Bus driver complaint and OYBike
On 11/10/04 1:49 pm, in article ,
"Spicknspan" wrote:
"Tony Raven" wrote in message
Spicknspan wrote:
A few months ago I saw what this can lead to. A lycra clad cyclist went
flying around the roundabout at Trafalgar Square at a good 30mph, and
down Whitehall going straight through the red light, and straight into a
woman crossing the road.
It doesn't excuse bad behaviour like that but its interesting you have
to delve back several months to come up with an example,
which, knowing
the complex junction to turn into Whitehall from Trafalgar Sq is rather
Maybe improbable, but true.
30mph? Really?
How did you measure it? Or is it a 'my goodness they were going quickly,
must have been at least pluck figure out of air 30mph'
It would be nigh on impossible except on a completely clear road, and I
doubt the road there ever gets that clear.