Dumb traffic lights
thoss wrote in :
In article , Boltar
Who are the idiots who program traffic lights these days? I tend to
drive quite a lot late at nights when the traffic is quiet and the
amount of times I'm stuck behind a red light for 2 minutes when there is
zero traffic coming in from the other direction (and there was no
traffic even before the light went red). Not only does this waste fuel,
cause extra pollution and waste peoples time but its VERY irritating. A
good example is the lights on Purley Way in Croydon where the A23 runs
through a deserted (at night) retail area and there are about 5 sets of
braindead lights showing green to the feeder roads of large closed
stores. But they're everywhere it seems in London. Is this done on
purpose just to slow traffic
Yes. That's Ken Livingstone's policy.
Do you think he will ever notice that Buses are traffic too?