TfL 5-year investment programme
Paul Corfield wrote in
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 16:41:42 +0100, Dave Arquati wrote:
No-one's yet mentioned the TfL 5-year £10bn investment programme,
announced today, which uses the borrowing powers recently given to the
well precisely. The biggest disappointment is that there is nothing very
radical in terms of pushing the bus network onto the next level which
was part of the TfL proposition to government. Looks like that battle
has been lost - at least for now.
The other disappointment concerns the relegation of tram based solutions
but I imagine this reflects the now quite strong "anti" bias in
government and the understandable decision to pursue LU schemes while
they have the chance as they will deliver more benefit overall.
The biggest disappointment is just how little you get for £ 10,000,000,000
these days...