"redtube" wrote in message
"Boltar" wrote in message
"redtube" wrote in message
Did any of our older members on this ng ever, and I mean ever, travel
service" on a "standard stock" Pre'38?
Probably anyone who'd been on the Isle of Wight railway up to the early
Its amazing, yes of course I know they spent the end of their useful life
IOW. However I know I should have said it and I admit I failed to do so
which was to remark, ever, travel "inservice" on a "standard stock" Pre'38
on the London Underground. I'm glad someone picked up on that. The reason
because there will undoubtably be fewer ppl and more of them dwindling as
the years go by now that ever did. And I wanted to hear of their memories
the time. Perhaps not so interesting to younger members here.
regards, Redtube
I never travelled on a pre'38 train as such but a number of pre'38 trailers
were recycled into the 1960-stock trains which ran the Woodford-Hainault
shuttle for quite a few years. I remember the ride was pretty bad by the
the time I encountered them and, not long after, these trailers were
'upgraded' to 1938 stock, as seen on the preserved 1960-stock train.