Institutionalised law-breaking using bikes - anarchy is nearat hand
Silas Denyer wrote:
This implies (on linear scaling, with all the caveats that implies)
that of the 775 pedestrians killed UK-wide about 295 were caused by
road vehicles (including bicycles). Therefore bikes were responsible
for 1% of all pedestrian road deaths caused by vehicles (3 of 295).
Using the West Midlands data as a model, this would put cyclist-caused
pedestrian deaths in the same class as those caused by, say, failure
of motorists to conform to traffic signs/signals.
There is a fault in your logic. You say that only 295 of the 775
pedestrians killed by motor vehicles were because of driver fault. Yet
you assume that all three of the pedestrians killed by cyclists were the
cyclists fault. Since on average one was on the pavement and the other
two were killed in the roadway, it is likely that the ratios are similar
making the ratio either 1:295 or 3:775 and not as you would have it 3:295