Bus driver complaint and OYBike
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 07:20:32 +0000 (UTC) someone who may be Mike
Bristow wrote this:-
So explain, then, how car drivers, even though they almost never
venture on the footway, still manage to kill 200 times as many
pedestrians on the footway as do cyclists?
I'm curious, now.
How many cycles are there? How many cars? Perhaps vechical-hours
would be a better measure - do you have any estimates for that?
It is irrelevant. From the point of view of a pedestrian what
matters is how likely they are to be killed by a cyclist or killed
by a motorist. That is the relative risk they are concerned with and
the raw numbers demonstrate it.
David Hansen, Edinburgh | PGP email preferred-key number F566DA0E
I will always explain revoked keys, unless the UK government
prevents me by using the RIP Act 2000.