Institutionalised law-breaking using bikes - anarchy is near at hand
"Just zis Guy, you know?" wrote in message . ..
A philosopher writes:
"Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these
were largely concerned with the movements of small, green pieces of
paper, which is odd, because on the whole, it wasn't the small, green
pieces of paper which were unhappy."
I'm off to find fresh data. In the mean time I shouldn't be suprised
that someone who goes by the soubriquet "Just zis Guy, you know"
quotes Douglas Adams (actually Douglas Adams allegedly quoting THGTHG)
as a philosopher.
FWIW, your points are well made, even if I don't agree with them. My
original point was, however, that I was concerned that mass
lawlessness (whether dangerous or not) was a bad thing for society,
and that when this lawlessness was being openly accepted as a
competitive advantage in business and furthermore being perpetrated by
uniformed police officers, society was on very shaky ground indeed.
There are very few forms of mass-perpetrated antisocial behavious
which are routinely ignored, but these cycle-related issues are one of
them. Other motoring offences are another of them, to be debated in
the appropriate forum - this isn't an "either / or" type of debate.
In quoting DA, you should not forget that the same "philosopher" told
us how mankind caused God to vanish in puff of logic, shortly before
proving black was white and killing himself on the next zebra
crossing. Mankind was clearly therefore just being a good
Until I return with fresh data, good luck trying to miss the ground...