Oyster capping on BBC News
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 08:27:49 +0100, Paul Corfield wrote:
while I understand the cynicism the fare changes next year will make
capping much more complex [1]. It is no surprise that it is delayed if
TfL keep changing the fares structure that the software and card logic
has to understand.
I think we'll be very lucky to see anything emerge on capping by May of
next year - and that's simply my guess.
[1] e.g. three different concepts of what "Peak" and "off peak" means -
bus pre-pay, tube pre-pay and then one day travelcard / lt card off
The manufacturers were quoted on that news program as saying that the
capping could have been put in place on day 1, and TFL were unable to give
any reason why it hadn't been done (They refused to appear on that report
or issue any statement).