Ticket Checks at Vauxhall LU
Yes Kevin...thats about it. Remember its a private company that runs the
ticket system and it was a cast off from another place....
It has no idea you went through Z1. So it opens the gates in a
Z2...regardless of where it is.
"Kevin" wrote in message
"Malcolm & Nika" wrote in message
So I went to Vauxhall and checked out what you said.
Sure enough there was a revenue exercise there yesterday.
You ask what it is that they can see that the gates dont?
They are solely checking for people who travel through zone 1 without a
1 ticket. This is marked on the ticket with the nice colour
to spot without actually reading the ticket. If it was bought north of
river in a zone 3 to a zone 2 station it will have north colourings. It
still let you out in a zone 2 station allowing you to travel through zone
RPI sees the north colour triangles, checks it is valid in Z1....hey
if its only a £1 ticket....
Incidentally...they caught heaps.
So is the coding on a paper ticket not smart enough to establish that
a journey is made across zone 1. It seems pretty fundemental to me. If
you buy a zone 2 ticket at say Chalk Farm then travel to Vauxhall then
you must have crossed zone 1. The gates have only been around for
about 15 years, couldn't that check have been part of the programme or
am I missing something here. Do the gates only check the validity of
the date and that the exit zone matches the zone on the ticket.