On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 00:26:15 +0100, Dave Arquati wrote:
http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/n..._ca meras.php
According to the above story, TfL spent about £14m on bus lane
enforcement and received about £15m in penalty charges, resulting in a
"small" profit of around £1m - and a motorists' group is complaining
that they spent so much on it.
Surely if TfL had made a huge profit on penalties, they'd get even more
stick just like the police do with speed cameras?
The £14 million wasn't spent to raise revenue from penalty charges, it was spent
to make the buses run to schedule. How effectively was THIS achieved? Did
better running buses increase ridership? Reduce running costs? Increase
profits? If these goals were achieved, then it would have been worth it even if
the penalty charges didn't fully cover the costs of the cameras.