On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Clive Coleman wrote:
In message ,
Tom Anderson writes
Also, i'm not sure that being on a bus when it brakes hard and being on
a bike when it is hit by a bus are the same magnitude of injury - it
may well be that the latter is 70 times worse than the former
(especially given that 90% of the time, you'll be sitting down). I'm
not saying it's never right to not brake, but it's not as clear cut as
you make out.
Also, i haven't been following this thread, but from this one post, you
really sound like a dangerous lunatic who advocates running over
cyclists. Just thought i'd let you know.
You've never driven a bus then, that is obvious,
You're a perceptive chap.
and if you think I'm a lunatic get me off the roads before other
cyclists think they're Gods gift to London.
I didn't say i thought you were a lunatic, just that your post made it
sound like it - i assume you're just a bit worked up by the argument. You
need to relax - maybe go for a swim, or have a drink, or, hey, how about a
nice bike ride?
I do not think we will have to wait for very long.