New style temrs and conditions
"Richard J." wrote in message ...
Chris wrote:
I have (finally) received my student photocard. Appartently TTL
(TFLs contractor) didn't receive the application form until 14 days
after it was posted 1st class although I don't beleive them
The front has a strange design with random words from the terms and
conditions printed underneath the rest of the text. Says something
this photoca
is va
use only
by the
a tic
the sa
shouldn't being = bearing?
Probably, but temrs should be terms,
appartently should be apparently,
TFLs should be TfL's,
and beleive should be believe.
So you lost that match 1-4.
"photoca" should be "photocard"
"va" should be "valid for"
"perso" should be "person"
"tic" should by "ticket"
"being" should be "bearing"
"sa" should be "same"
"stundenstudent" shouldn't be there
so I win 7-4