Adam wrote:
On 2004-11-02 17:24:48 +0000, "Peter Smyth"
"Adam" wrote in message
On 2004-11-01 23:36:32 +0000, Matthew said:
A pdf of the 2005 fares changes is now at:
Some notable changes not previously commented on are the abolition of
the Weekend Travelcard and the One Day LT card.
Photocards are no longer need with any oyster card.
Oh great! I see my daily fare will increase from £8.20 to £12 due to
the abolition of the LT card 
Any suggestions for someone who needs to travel from zone 6 to 1 in
on the Underground and then zone 1 to Maralybone and back on the
Chiltern line to West Ruislip. This journey 4 days a week.
7 Day Travelcard = £39.50 = £9.88 a day
Daily Travelcard = £12 a day
Single = £3.80 x 2 = £7.60 a day(*)
Single (pre-pay) = £3.50 x 2 = £7 a day(*)
LT Card (now) = £8.20 per day.
(*) I usually get the Chiltern line from Maralybone to West Ruislip
home as I have a client at Maralybone. The LT card was accepted on
this line, but I assume an Underground Single won't be???
Actually LT cards are not accepted from Marylebone to West Ruislip,
only from Marylebone to Amersham and from South Ruislip to West Ruislip.
Peter Smyth
Really? I've been using one for years and never been told its not valid
- including being checked loads of times by inspectors. Perhaps its all
so confusing now that even they don't know what is and isn't allowed!
I think my options are either to get a 7 day travelcard or to get a
Pre-pay single in, single to Marylebone (ok, never said I could spell -
but glad you knew where I was talking about!) and then a single to West
Ruislip. The first two I can use Oyster pre-pay, the latter I'll have to
buy card/cash each day I assume.
Prepay Z6-1: £3.50
Prepay Z1: £1.70
NR single: £3.40
Total: £8.60
Not too much more than the LT card. Your calculations about single
prices don't work if you are visiting a client near Marylebone because
your journey home wouldn't be £3.50 unless you could visit the client
within about 20 mins between exiting the tube and entering Chiltern (in
the hypothetical situation that Prepay were valid between Marylebone &
West Ruislip).
Dave Arquati
Imperial College, SW7 - Transport projects in London