On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:16:41 -0000, "John Rowland"
"Marc Brett" wrote in message
.. .
On 8 Nov 2004 08:49:56 -0800, (Buttoneer) wrote:
I'm getting really quite fed up with the different crazy
bus lane rules all over even small parts of London.
What's the problem with making them all 24/7?
The problem is that one is not currently allowed to use bus lanes for
undertaking a car waiting to turn right.
What about using them when a carriageway is blocked by police horse
boxes? Shepherd's Bush Road for example, when they take over the
northbound side for boxes, traffic displaced to the middle (s/b) lane,
s/b traffic uses bus lane. And much use of bus lane to pass the rat
runners turning right. (The bus lane is policed occasionally by plod
hiding behind a bus shelter; lots of drivers crane necks to check if
the coast is clear and use the last 1/2 mi stretch if so).
What's the problem with people just staying out of bus lanes unless they've
read the sign and checked the hours?
TBH it's one more thing to decode: the signs are not standardised. As
others have said, some are 24h, some are Mon-Sun, some are At All
Times, some are At Any Time (when's that?) and the mix of 7-10 4-7
means distractions. California has no problem with controlled green
ticks and red Xs to control use of HOV lanes. London has missed a
trick here IMHO. If the road is heavily laden, keep the bus lane
reserved for longer with a red X (or indeed if emergency access is
needed); same with the congestion zone: illuminate the red C in
control times.
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