"CapStick" wrote in message
"Paul Robson" wrote in

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 03:22:13 -0800, Matthew Church wrote:
"By 2004, the DVLA aims to have merged driver, vehicle and insurance
records into a "single or virtually single" database from which the
number-plate microchips will be programmed".
Anyone have any updates on how this plan is getting along?
Well, the last I heard (and there's about 45 days left in 2004) you
couldn't buy Microchipped plates.
If true it's a typical Public Sector IT project i.e. it doesn't work.
It will annoy a lot of people, and the chips will be as tamper proof as
the others, i.e. not at all. Or people will simply bust them (can you
imagine the amount of hammering electronics on a car number plate will
Or you could simply fake a plate that looks like a real one - so how
the "automatic detection" know if a car is there or not ?
How will it cope with people who are insured rather than cars - people
company insurance ?
How will it know the driver is insured to drive the car - all it will
is that there is *some* insurance on the car.
It can't surely store "insurance validity" - if you cancel insurance
you detach the plates and take them in so they can be reprogrammed ?
What will happen regarding foreign registered vehicles ?
Getting Microchips for £1.00 is no problem ; hell they are cheaper than
that. Getting something that will work and keep working for £1.00 is a
different matter entirely.
that is why all cars should have a tachometer,
that is taken into the post office every year and any outstanding speeding
fines , parking tickets and indicator abuse can be payed up to date with
neccasary points added to your licence etc etc etc.
Thus the post office would survive
the criminal car driver would'nt thrive,
and more pedestrians would stay alive.
thats ********, the post office survives anyway
"criminal car drivers" can simply get the license plate changed to a
registered one or just take in a registered number plate and more
pedestrians wouldnt stay alive, think about it; nobody will know that the
pedestrian will get run over until it happens, until then you cant stop it
happening without affecting the majority, and after its happened theyre
going to drive much more carefully and i highly doubt it would happen twice.
the government should not be allowed to govern our lives to this extent, its
a threat to the security of our society.
also what if the tachometer stops working?
what about foreign cars?
what about car manufacturers that decide not to put them into their cars?
they cant be shut down, most of them are foreign and they cant shut down a
car manufacturer n the UK, think of the job losses and tax losses