Eurostar to quit Waterloo
In message , at 16:55:21 on Mon, 15
Nov 2004, Clive D. W. Feather remarked:
In article , Roland
Perry writes
Also, the routes through the terminal will have to be considered -
while getting on is relatively straight forward assuming they drop the
last-minute-only boarding scheme, getting off currently involves a
considerable walk through the bowels of the building.
Actually, if you work it out that won't be necessary.
Looking from the west side, the layout is something like this:
Platform level
| S | / \ /
Booking | E | / Departure \ / SEC = security
hall | C | / lounge \ / checks
| C | \ /
Meet & | & | \ Arrivals / C&I = Customs &
greet area | I | \ area / Immigration
Passengers go from the departure lounge into little foyers which lead
to the escalators and travalators. On arrival, these same foyers divert
them into further routes downwards into the arrivals area.
Remove the security and C&I mess, and you can send everyone through one
layer and take over the other layer for other purposes.
You've done just what I suggested and "considered the route through the
terminals". Having everyone use a single layers is a definite
possibility: it certainly shortens the "considerable walk" I was worried
Roland Perry