Eurostar to quit Waterloo
In message , TheOneKEA
withdrawal of Eurostar from Waterloo
If the Stratford International DLR link is mooted, passengers will have
level access from the Jubbly terminus to the former westbound NLL
platform, where they can catch the DLR to the International station.
But you see how this compares with the current interchange at Waterloo:
it takes just a few seconds from SWT to Eurostar. We know that is
closing, but Stratford is still being argued over and the interchange at
Waterloo to the jubbly is hardly brilliant. Customers will inevitably
re-evaluate Heathrow, which is usually cheaper and in the future may
prove quicker.
I guess that Eurostar have done their sums, but I regard a single very
slick change (as at Waterloo at present) as a huge selling point. So do
Eurostar, but they now only express this in terms of customers coming
from the north and midlands (good luck to those customers ... but they
are not going to provide the enormous day-trip trade to the near-
continent that is possible from SW London).
I suspect Eurostar will lose a fair amount of traffic to Heathrow, and
I'm not convinced they will easily replace it. Strange for a company to
want to restrict its outlets ... and if the government was serious in
wanting to restrict air-traffic pollution, it might have stepped in
(perhaps Eurostar are hoping they still might!).
Paul Terry