Suing for frivolous parking ticket
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 09:15:52 -0000, "Carlos"
I parked in a pay-and-display area at 17:05. Put £1 in the machine (charge
is £1/hr) and the ticket came out valid until 17:30 after which time parking
is free. The signage also confirmed that parking is chargeable only between
09:00 - 17:30.
Came back to find a parking ticket, time-stamped at 17:36.
Clearly the parking attendant was trying it on, aware that a certain
percentage probably just pay up. But I want to make a stand and sue the
council for wasting my time.
By wasting yet more time pursuing a frivolous action? I suppose some
people might think there's logic in that approach, but their probably
the ones with too much time on their hands.
If your time is valuable enough to contemplate suing for it being
wasted, its too valuable to waste in pursuing the course of action you