Suing for frivolous parking ticket
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 19:04:02 -0000, Conor
In article , Nigel says...
Yes do take any legal action if you feel wronged by the Council, do it
through a legal representative who will ensure that you're
out-of-pocket-expenses are recovered and that any action you are
threatened with by the local authority is rescinded.
After all why should you pay for their inadequacies?
You're a lawyer aren't you? THe only person who will benefit will be
his lawyer and you can be sure the bill he'll be presented with will
far exceed the worth of a few phone calls, first class stamps and time
taken to write to them.
Oh, and the County Court will throw out frivolous claims but you can be
sure his lawyer won't forget the bill.
After reading this long thread, a simple question comes to mind:
Assuming the facts are as stated, what is the cheapest option that can
be taken to ensure the parking ticket is rescinded?
Would it be the cost of a postcard, with a postage stamp attached,
sent to the Council with a simple message stating they have made an
error? Perhaps not, because it would probably get "lost in the post",
so what can you do that would cost you no more than a £1?
David Bradley