In message , David Bradley
A recent visit to the Nottingham system showed that the trams were
spacious and have comfortable seats. They have completely level flat
floors. On the negative side, the ride is awful, particularly on
curves where the vehicles seem to go round in crab fashion on a series
of straights rather than in an elegant curve. This jolts standing
passengers quite badly. The ride is far worse than Croydon, Machester,
Sheffield or Birmingham.
I felt the Nottingham ride to be fine. It's certainly better than that
on the street running section of the "Birmingham" system (actually in
Wolverhampton), which is quite poor with a lot of rail corrugation. Of
the other systems you mentioned, all of which I've ridden on in the
past, I would only have singled out Manchester as being poor overall and
that was quite some time ago so things might have changed.
(I've also not done the whole of the Nottingham system, so maybe the
jolting you describe is in a particular position?)
Ian Jelf, MITG, Birmingham, UK
Registered "Blue Badge" Tourist Guide for
London & the Heart of England