Bus Conductors and Drivers (again).
Jeff Mowatt writes
I can tell you for one that I supported Ken Livingstone's campaign
financially purely in the hope that he would live up to the promise of
re-introducing conductors on all London routes Since this and a lot of
other improvements didn't happen and a lot of excuses have been made, I've
come to regard our Mayor as a bit of a flake in more recent times.
Indeed, Ken did promise more conductors on buses. (I know that London
Buses purchased Routemasters for refurbishment and re-use, although I
can't remember if that was pre-GLA or not.) Use of conductors on
'conventional' buses was tried and failed.
So what does he do, press on with the conductors-policy even though it's
shown to be no good - or try something else that will bring better
benefits? Most politicians would tend to be dogmatic and press on with
implementing a flawed policy (e.g. Maggie & her poll tax), I much prefer
a politician who takes the pragmatic course.