Buses from Waterloo to King's Cross (was Eurostar to quit Waterloo)
In article , DC
Grays is still in Essex!
Thurrock Council is now a Unitary Authority,
and so for legal purposes isn't part of Essex any more. [This is an old
discussion between Roland and me.]
but the Police & Fire Services are still provided
via County Hall.
They're not done by counties any more - they have a separate precept. We
have the same issue up my way.
As for Herr Anderson's coments re "Gormandy?", I'd reccomend that he
should not pre-judge a sizeable chunk of Essex's population by their
accents / dialects or by where they chose to live!
Herr Anderson is clearly Gormless.
[Rest snipped. I grew up in Leigh-on-Sea and generally agree.]
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