Exactly - it wouldn't affect you. It would affect the company, though.
That's the beauty. Why should we suffer over a dispute between two other,
seperate entities? It just strikes me as madness.
"Clive D. W. Feather" wrote in message

In article , d
DECEMBER 6: LONDON UNDERGROUND's biggest union is to ballot more than
signallers and line controllers for strike action
For public transport, they sure do hate the public. This really, really
annoys me. I'm so fed up of being a pawn in this stupid game between the
RMT and LUL. Why do they close the service?
What other options do signallers and line controllers have?
Don't they care that us, the
people who pay their wages, are getting our lives screwed up on an
increasingly regular basis?
I suspect they care more - assuming the report is true - that *their*
lives are about to be screwed up by less pay and longer hours.
If they really DO care about the public, the union workers should strike
like they do in Dublin. In Dublin, during industrial action, public
transport workers stop charging people fares.
Signallers and line controllers don't have anything to do with fare
collection. If those staff who do collect fares got involved, they'd be
breaking the laws about unions.
The company gets a financial
wake-up call, AND it's a gift to the very public they're supposedly trying
to serve.
Since I have an annual season ticket, it doesn't affect me. It won't
affect the vast majority of regular travellers, just those who would only
travel if they don't have to pay.
Clive D.W. Feather | Home:
Tel: +44 20 8495 6138 (work) | Web: http://www.davros.org
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