Huge wrote to on Tue, 14 Dec 2004:
Mrs Redboots writes:
Nick H (UK) wrote to on Mon, 13 Dec 2004:
Go, with plenty of money in your pocket, to any proper Japanese
restaurant. The sort where you have to ask if they have a menu in
English. If you like supermarket sushi you'll love the real thing!
I'm sure I would - but what I really like is vegetarian sushi, as the
fish variety is apt to contain shrimp or prawn, which I both dislike and
cannot digest! I assume the restaurants do them, too?
Give that "sushi" means "with rice", it does not need to contain anything
in particular, other than rice. Vegetarian sushi is commonplace.
(Most Brits confuse sushi with sashimi (raw fish)).
Which, in fact, sushi doesn't appear to contain anyway - it's usually
smoked salmon (yum, yum!). One of these days I shall persuade someone
to take me out for fresh sushi!
"Mrs Redboots"
Website updated 12 December 2004