On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 16:40:57 +0000, Mrs Redboots
How many 315s have you seen at Clapham Junction?
Don't I mean 315s? What do I mean, then - you know, the jobs with
bright orange walls and low seat-backs.
The South West Trains and South Central inner suburban trains: Class
455. These are similar to 315 but run on 3rd rail and are a bit newer.
They have the orange walls and low seats, but both operators are in
the process of refurbishing them, so expect changes: SWT recently
launched its first refurbished one (has Southern started refurbing
yet?). These may also be the 'new' suburban trains that have been
advertised - a lot of the information talks of 'new refurbished
trains'. The new trains on the outer suburban/express routes are
really new.
Also there are Class 313s at Clapham Jn (Silverlink metro trains at
Platform 2) - these are very similar to 315s, but can run on the third
rail as well as overhead power supply.