Joe wrote to on Fri, 17 Dec 2004:
Well I suppose my main reason was that I went there with someone in a
wheelchair, and Paris seems to be the most wheelchair-unfriendly city
that I have ever taken my mum to, it's rare to find a bus that has an
operational wheelchair ramp, there is no map avaliable for the metro for
those who want to take wheelchairs on it, and the lowered kerbs aren't
very lowered, plus almost every resturaunt had steps to get in.
Food & Drinks were very expensive (I spent about £5 on a cup of tea),
and there didn't seem to be much around to do, I spent every night in
my room watching BBC World.
I agree about the wheelchair access (of course, when I lived there, this
was not considered an issue either there or here), but there's masses to
do in Paris! Loads and loads of films (very often in "Version
Originale", meaning the original language with subtitles, very often
English), shows, theatres, etc. And quite apart from anything else, an
evening meal in a French restaurant will very often last until bedtime!
And if the weather is fine, you can just walk and walk and walk,
stopping every so often for a cup of coffee or beer....
"Mrs Redboots"
Website updated 18 December 2004