Oyster pre Pay Via Marylebone
Joe wrote:
Well, this means that more people will be visiting the station
announcers office to see what platform it is. Well done Chiltern -
you ****ed up - yet again.
"Yet again"?
Perhaps you should do as I did and get ahold of a Passenger Feedback
form, and on it, indicate that you think the indicators should be
placed in a friendlier location.
I actually spoke to the Duty Station Manager one evening and he told me
that the reason why there are only four indicators is because of the
limitations of the IECC. This means that unless Chiltern gets enough
feedback from pax to make the dosh required to upgrade the IECC
worthwhile, the best that pax can hope for is their repositioning. But
they won't do it unless the passengers tell them about it.
What precisely do you dislike about Chiltern anyway?