Peter Masson wrote to on Sun, 19 Dec 2004:
The Night Ferry used platform 2, because it was long enough and because it
had access to the customs and immigration offices. Platform 2 was also used
for Royal Trains - State Visits often came in to Gatwick, and the visting
Heads of States were conveyed to Victoria by Royal Train, and then taken in
a carriage procession to Buckingham Palace. Also used for the Royal Train to
Tattenham Corner on Derby Day.
I think it still is used for Royal trains - I have certainly seen one at
the platform within recent years, dropping off some international bigwig
who had, presumably, arrived at Gatwick.
Platform 1 could be closed off from platform 2 by the folding gates along
the length of the platform. It was certainly used for commuter trains after
the 1967 timetable alterations.
As, indeed, it often is today!
"Mrs Redboots"
Website updated 18 December 2004