New Met Line Trains
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003 11:28:59 +0100, "Angus Bryant"
"Matthew P Jones" wrote in message
I heard a story that new Met Trains are going to have a form of
air-conditioning fitted (although for obvious reasons it won't work
underground). Does this mean the Met Line is finally getting new trains
(that don't squeak?)
New trains are planned and yes I heard to they would have a form of air
conditioning. There are plans to standardise the stock on the Met,
Circle and District. I believe we won't actually see any new trains for
several years, so we have to put up with squeaking and more for quite
some time yet.
For all the sub-surface lines, switching off the air-con when underground
should still help the passengers using the underground sections as the air
inside the train will take time to heat back up again.
Trouble is, air con requires sealing the carriage.
I think you'd have to switch off the cooling circuits when
rob at robertwoolley dot co dot uk