Southern have done that with their refurbished 455s (obviously,
combined with replacement of the ruined windows!) Some Thameslink 319s
also seem to have it applied in random fashion - but for some reason
Thameslink suffers less than the others from vandalism in general.
c2c have it on the 357s - though now, a "promise" has been made that a
train will not be out in service with severe graffiti or etching -
unless it would mean a cancellation, delay or significant crowding.
I think the vandalism on Thameslink is hate vandalism rather than
vandalism for the sake of it. I was on 3 319s the other week, one had "I
hate Thameslink" on it, one had "Thameslink is sh*t," the other had
"Crap train" on it!
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