Things haven't changed on the railway. Even in British Rail days,
when temperatures were high, 'blanket' speed restrictions were imposed
so it's not a Network Rail problem of cost cutting. Network Rail
can't win can they. They impose a 'safety measure' to reduce the risk
of an incident just like it's British Rail predecesor and they are
slated! If they didn't impose the 'safety measure' and an incident
occured, they'd be slated for not running a safe railway. Railways
are headline news and easy media target. Get off their backs. You
are hurting a bunch of very loyal railway employees who work damned
hard to provide a service with the set up and constant intervention of
the British Government, they are the one's you should be slating!!!!
Come on everyone stop slating the railways, the roads are worse!
Life without sex just isn't life.
Make love not war!