Driver in Trouble over Stone Throwers
On Fri, 8 Aug 2003 17:05:44 +0100, CJG
In message , Greg Hennessy
Any properly raised 8 year will be acutely aware of the difference.
And its amazing how adults have hazy memories.
Not this one.
And the vandalism they
did when they were young suddenly becomes just a bit of fun.
As an eight year I would have been acutely aware of the consequences of
throwing stones at a train.
I could swing the statement "maybe if contractors didn't leave so much
crap along the train lines there wouldn't be any ammo for the kids to
lob at the trains" around but then I would just get abuse.
Because its typical do gooder tosh attempting to mitigate anti social
behaviour by scum.
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Alley Gator. With those hypnotic big green eyes
Alley Gator. She'll make you 'fraid 'em
She'll chew you up, ain't no lie