Cambrige - London traffic up 75%
In article , Neil Williams
On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 15:55:38 +0000, Meldrew of Meldreth
Weekends aren't special (nor are Bank Holidays during exams); it's the
number of *nights* that count. You need the weekends to make up the
numbers, and in my day there were quite a few courses with Saturday
morning lectures- I'm not sure whether that's changed now.
OOI, how is it enforced? Do they come around knocking on doors in the
late evening to ensure you haven't sneaked off for a couple of days?
(In Manchester, we were supposed to notify the hall office if going
away overnight, presumably for fire list reasons, but in practice
nobody actually did that I could tell, and a register was never taken
when the fire alarm went off).
In the old days the cleaners who came round at 8am would notice people
who were absent. And colleges are small places (mine had only 300
students) - it's pretty obvious when people aren't around. Today, I
expect there's more trust involved, as the colleges are more open (to
their members if not the public).
"now, the thing you type on and the window you stare out of are the same thing"