Crossrail 2 - Some Detective Work...
On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 18:21:21 +0000, Paul Corfield
On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 16:03:15 +0000, Dave Arquati wrote:
What cuts are being made?
The N101 has gone. The N58 goes in March. A whole pile of suburban
schemes have been scrapped - the 228 in South East London, the extension
to the 309 to Clapton. The Walthamstow scheme has had a number of items
that were in the original tender package scrapped - improvements to the
The tender documentation for 123 was for the same level of service as
at present.
extra Sunday buses on the W11.
Unless you know something I don't, the Sunday daytime service on W11
gets increased from 2 to 4 bph from 06/03/2005.
Thomas Covenant
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