Oyster prepay fare capping
Dave Arquati wrote in :
I believe TfL are planning a reduced fare for a combined bus + Tube
journey using prepay, but this could be a while off as they wait for
each new Oyster product to "embed" itself (initial prepay, then bus
prepay, then peak bus fares, and then probably capping).
A discounted "through" bus fare would be excellent but could be open to
abuse - if it were based on a reasonable time allowance (say, 45 mins
between touching in on the first bus and the second) then you could make
a short bus journey, get off and do something, and get back on the
return bus.
I assume it is too much to expect this to mean that one fare would allow
unlimited travel for an hour (the way many continental systems work) but we
will see yet more complexity added to an already over complex system?
(some systems, I think Berlin, now explicitly disallow a return journey for
the one fare, even if within the hour)