Highbury and Islington Heat
On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 22:36:16 +0100, Stuart
If TfL want a solution to the heat on the tube they should just take a
long hard look at Highbury & Islington:
Victoria Line platform - like an oven (it has always seemed to me to be
the hottest line on the network for no obvious reason)
WAGN platform right next door - like a fridge.
Don't really understand how there can be such a diffrence in temperature
in such a small distance
a) Lower usage - on average you've got one train every 10 minutes on
Great Northern Electric Monday - Friday until 20.00. No service Sats
and Suns.
This means less heat from trains and passengers
b) Length of tunnels. Highbury is not too far from Drayton Park and
Essex Road - so air is getting pushed in at this point. The Victoria
Line has ventilation shafts, but trains only join the line just north
of Seven Sisters.
Isn't the Drain (Waterloo and City) quite cool?
rob at robertwoolley dot co dot uk