Neil Williams wrote to on Fri, 14 Jan 2005:
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 18:16:38 +0000, Mrs Redboots
I wouldn't go that far - there are far more offensive things on the
Internet. It did make me grin, but it wasn't especially funny, I didn't
think - I don't find things funny merely because they use the f-word a
lot (like Billy Connolly, who would be a lot funnier if he didn't).
I actually find I'm totally unable to take offence at Billy Connolly
at all, whatever words he uses, despite the fact that I don't like
other comedians who go over the top with it.
I don't take offence at him - I just sometimes wish he'd change the
As for the "song", it was mildly amusing but would probably have
worked better without the excessive use of the C word.
"Mrs Redboots"
Website updated 2 January 2005