London Underground Song
--- Paul Corfield said...
The point is whether you believe all the lyrics to be true - I don't
whether you or I like it or not there is a cross section of the public
who hate LUL, its staff and the way they feel they get treated when
use the system.
I'm still wondering whether the singer *does* believe the lyrics to be
true, or whether he's just *parodying* the sort of people who do.
Either way, it isn't clear, ad so the song totally misses its target --
whatever that target just happened to be. As a result, it's not funny
at all, just a confused ugly mess. Didn't even make me smile once.
(Still, it's interesting that some posters here did enjoy it. Odd that
you're so easily amused. Maybe I paint a wall and you could all watch
it dry. That would give probably give you hours of fun!)