District Line
The Piccadilly trains were brought in 1975?! Blimey. They look lovely
compared to the "newer" District line trains. If the district line
trains are almost the last to be renewed, why do they looks so crappy
compared to all of the other "slimline trains". I'd rather just have
Piccadilly fast looking slimline trains on the district line that
those huge slow things
Brimstone wrote:
Dan Watson wrote:
Now that the tube prices have skyrocketed, does anyone know of any
plans to upgrade the District Line trains. These carriages look
they have been in service since time itself began.
Even if there are no plans to upgrade the trains, why not just give
them a lick of paint? The old dirty grey carriages look horrific
to the nice Picadilly line trains at early Hammersmith, earls court
Maybe its just a Sunday afternoon moan, but doesn't anyone else
that it's time to bring the District Line out of the stone age?
The trains currently in use on the District were brought into service
1980 and are last in line for refurbishment because they were the
(apart from the current Central and Northern Line trains) to be
You'll be pleased to learn that a refurbishment programme, to bring
them up
to the same appearance as the Piccadilly Line trains (introduced in