Cunning escalator plan?
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Dave Arquati wrote:
Tom Anderson wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Fustanella wrote:
escalator, as it doesn't take too much nouse to work out that most of
those unaware of this etiquette are tourists.
Not all tourists are clueless in this regard, and the TfL site offers up
some help for visitors. Too bad it can't be made required reading.
Come to think, are tasers legal in the UK? You could just zap your way
to left-side travel bliss. Don't forget to explain to the twitching
bodies why you zapped them, so they're sure to learn from the
experience. If you're polite rather than rude, it'll likely have a
better result.
How about just replacing the left-hand side of the escalator with a slide?
Getting out of a station quickly would be somewhat of an uphill struggle.
Careful - puns on this group can be a slippery slope.
Socialism - straight in the mainline!