The Robins matching /May(es)?/ write:
Having seen the trailer I'm pretty confident that Aldwych was
used and I'm absolutely certain that Charing Cross Jubilee was
used. If Down Street was used that means that there were indeed
three stations used, although they were named incorrectly in the
You still expect accuracy in the substandard?
Well, when I saw the article with the incorrect station names I did
think to myself "ah, so the usual Evening Standard accuracy then".
Ah so. In addition, when I checked the movie's Internet Movie
Database entry
before submitting the item to them as new trivia, I found that the
producer "Julie Bain" quoted in the article is actually named Baines.
Mark Brader | "Oh, especially if it's accurate. There's nothing worse
Toronto | than *accurate*, ill-informed, irresponsible press
| speculation." -- Lynn & Jay: "Yes, Prime Minister"