Mrs Redboots wrote:
Ian Tindale wrote to on Tue, 25 Jan 2005:
Also, if you go to 'Tools' 'Extensions' there's plenty you can add to the
basic Firefox.
I've got Chatzilla (for irc) and Sage (for rss (don't ask - I'm not entirely
clear what rss is, myself)).
Nor am I, but I think it's to do with live websites - you can, for
instance put a "live bookmark" for BBC News on it, and the headlines in
the bookmark update themselves automagically throughout the day, which I
find quite remarkable.
Or (shameless plug!) you could even subscribe to my news and updates
feeds on my website :-) For example, if you add my news feed to it,
headlines will come every so often on it and you can click straight
through to the news article I originally discovered.
However, I prefer the implementation in Firefox's sister program, the
Thunderbird mail+news client. You can subscribe to RSS feeds there, and
new articles come up like emails in dedicated inboxes.
Dave Arquati
Imperial College, SW7 - Transport projects in London