OT: Mouse buttons
Neil Williams wrote:
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:21:30 +0000, Dave Arquati
That's what people get when they choose design over... erm... multiple
mouse buttons. I depend heavily on all three of mine...
Indeed. The single mouse button on a Mac doesn't lead to a more
efficient UI design - it instead leads to what I've heard described as
"Shift-Ctrl-leg-in-the-air-Click", IYSWIM.
Apart from when you're playing minefield, it doesn't usually lead to a
less efficient UI design either. Most Mac browsers give you a contextual
menu if you hold the mouse button down for half a second. I think the
alternative of control clicking only came about because someone noticed
the control key was hardly ever used...
And I *like* my context menus, as a former Acorn RISC-OS user
(superbly intuitive UI, and 3 mouse buttons!).
If you want 3 mouse buttons, all you have to do is get a three button
mouse. But unlike mice (where extra buttons are slightly useful) I find
trackpads are much more convenient with a single button.