In message , Adrian
Ian Jelf ) gurgled happily, sounding much like
they were saying :
And - quite seriously - I try always to behave with groups in as
unlike-a-tour-guide manner as possible. I try to tell people things
that *I* would find interesting about a place.
Ummm, Ian... Bearing in mind your fascination with bus routes and other
such anoraky things...
Er, yeah? ;-)
You'd be amazed how many people *are* fascinated about RMs in London,
trams in Amsterdam or the few surviving open platform buses in Paris [1]
(all of which I've talked about to groups over the years). Well either
that or they bluff very well!
[1] I'm not sure if there are any left now. I've not done a Paris
for many months and the modern versions have always been very much in
the minority.
Ian Jelf, MITG
Birmingham, UK
Registered Blue Badge Tourist Guide for London and the Heart of England